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Apache on Ubuntu SSL Installation Guide

Apache is the most widely used web server in the world, powering more than 60% of all active websites on ther internet. It is an open-source software available for free which anybody can use to serve static or dynamic sites to userts. Ubuntu is an Operating System based on Linux and is widely used worldwide by Developers, Students, Researchers and Engineers worldwide. It is preferred for its… [read more →]

A2 Hosting SSL Installation Guide

A2 Hosting, an industry leader is known for providing affordable, fast and reliable web hosting services to its customers all over the world. Whether you're an IT Pro or Average Joe, it does not matter, this guide will go through how almost anyone can easily configure and install an SSL Certificate on your website and check its installation on your server. Step 1: Generating a CSR and Private… [read more →]

CrazyDomains SSL/TLS Certificate Install. A Cheaper Option

Crazy domains is a well-known provider of Web Hosting and IT services in Australia, India and the Middle East. Crazydomains has disabled the cPanel SSL module, for no other reason than to try to force you to buy their overpriced SSL Certificates. This guide will go through how you can easily install an SSL certificate on your website through the Crazydomains hosting manager while at the same… [read more →]

Securing HomeAssistant on Debian

HomeAssistant is an extremely popular self-hosted platform for integrating with an impressively large selection of smart home devices. HomeAssistant allows users to create rules called “Automations” that trigger on various conditions and execute actions. HomeAssistant consists of two components, “SupervisorD” (which is typically run in a docker container) and the web interface itself. For those looking… [read more →]

VestaCP SSL Configuration and Installation Guide

Vesta Control Panel or Vesta CP- powered by Softaculous is an open source hosting control panel, which can be used to manage multiple websites, create and manage email accounts, FTP accounts, and MySQL databases, manage DNS records and much more. This guide will go through how almost anyone can configure and install an SSL certificate on VestaCP within minutes. Step 1: Generating a CSR and… [read more →]

Webuzo SSL/TLS Installation Guide

Webuzo - powered by Softaculous is a Single User Control Panel, which helps to deploy apps and more on the server. It can enable people to focus more on using applications rather than run around the clock maintaining them. This guide will go through how easily almost anyone including Uncle Joe can configure and install an SSL Certificate through the seamless Webuzo UI (User Interface). So, let’s g… [read more →]

Webmin, Virtualmin SSL Configuration and Installation Guide

All users of WebMin do know that it is a pretty good Web Hosting manager with tons of features, but where WebMin does not hit the ball out of the park is with its complicated UI (User Interface). Well, this guide will go-through how you can successfully install an SSL Certificate on your website through the WebMin (VirtualMin) Web Hosting Manager. Step 1: Generating a CSR and Private Key … [read more →]

Plesk SSL Configuration and Installation Guide

This guide will take you through the entire process to make your website fully secure with the Plesk Web Hosting Manager. Step 1: Generating a CSR and Private Key Step 2: Order and Configure the SSL Certificate Step 3: Install the SSL Certificate on Plesk Step 4: Check the SSL is working Step 1. Generating a CSR and Private Key 1: Login to your Plesk Web Hosting Manager and navigate… [read more →]

Compiling OpenSSL from Source (Windows and Linux)

Why would I want to compile OpenSSL myself? OpenSSL is a popular library used for performing various actions around SSL/TLS such as generating keypairs, creating CSRs, and testing connectivity against endpoints encrypted via SSL/TLS. While alternatives such as BoringSSL and LibreSSL do exist, OpenSSL is ubiquitous in the enterprise. OpenSSL comes pre-packed with most Linux distributions, and most… [read more →]

cPanel SSL Configuration and Installation Guide

We all know how hard it seems to manually install an SSL Certificate on your server/hosting plan without any know-how of all the technical stuff. The good news is. This guide will go through the entire process to get you up and secure quickly. It can be used to install an SSL Certificate on your cPanel WHM. Step 1: Generating a CSR and Private Key Step 2: Order and Configure the SSL… [read more →]